Child Safety
Immaculate Heart College
Child Safety Responsibilities
- Since 1 January 2009, doctors, nurses, midwives, teachers, and police officers have been mandated to report child sexual abuse.
- Teaching staff employed by Immaculate Heart College must have annual training in Mandatory Reporting.
- Protective behaviours and sexual abuse prevention education is mandated in all non-government schools in Western Australia.
- All teachers delivering the protective behaviours curriculum must be trained in the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum.
The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum
The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is a child safety and respectful relationships curriculum providing age and developmentally appropriate activities for children and young people from age 3 to Year 12 (age 17+). It is a resource that enables schools to meet the Non-Government Registration Standards requirement to provide a protective behaviours and sexual abuse prevention education to all students.
The KS:CPC helps children and young people:
- recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult
- understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching
- understand ways to keep themselves safe.
The curriculum follows two main themes:
- we all have the right to be safe
- we can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust
Focus Areas
The two themes are explored through four focus areas:
- the right to be safe
- relationships
- recognising and reporting abuse
- protective strategies
The focus areas are targeted to the age of the learners.
For further information including the concepts summaries about what is taught in each age group, please follow the link below: